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Being Trauma-Informed: Integrating Trauma Theory & the Eight Limb Path
Course Introduction
Welcome (4:47)
Overview (0:12)
Indigenous Land Acknowledgment (13:28)
Spiritual Lineage Acknowledgment (6:03)
Svadhyaya: Self-Study (Land & Spiritual Lineage Acknowledgement)
Course Overview (6:50)
Gratitude & References
Module 1: Yamas: Outer Ethical Codes and the Importance of Healthy Boundaries
Summary (0:32)
Yamas Practice: Outer Ethical Codes (30:07)
Yamas & the Trauma-Informed Pillars (9:50)
Yamas & Theory: Healthy Boundaries (9:00)
Yamas Integration Invitations (2:10)
Module 1 Quiz
Module 2: Niyamas: Personal Ethical Practices to Support Authenticity & Choice Making
Summary (0:47)
Niyamas Practice: Personal Ethical Practices (25:00)
Niyamas & the Trauma-Informed Pillars (8:24)
Niyamas & Theory: Authenticity & Choice Making (14:21)
Niyamas Integration Invitations
Module 2 Quiz
Module 3: Asana: Physical Forms & Interoception as a Skill for Embodiment
Summary (0:56)
Preparing for a Trauma-Informed Asana Practice (8:10)
Asana Practice: Physical Forms (17:08)
Asana & the Trauma-Informed Pillars (7:00)
Asana & Theory: Interoception (3:51)
Asana Integration Invitations
Module 3 Quiz
Module 4: Pranayama: Your Breath, Brain, Nervous System & Regulation
Summary (0:52)
Pranayama Practice: Breath (14:01)
Pranayama & the Trauma-Informed Pillars (6:20)
Pranayama & Theory: The Brain & Nervous System (7:45)
Pranayama Integration Invitations
Module 4 Quiz
Module 5: Pratyahara: Withdrawal of Senses Inspires Deep Rest, Ethical Self-Care, Collaboration & Community Care
Summary (1:22)
Pratyahara Practice: Withdrawal of Senses (16:58)
Pratyahara & the Trauma-Informed Pillars (5:21)
Pratyahara & Theory: Deep Rest, Ethical Self-Care, Collaboration & Community Care (3:51)
Pratyahara Integration Invitations
Module 5 Quiz
Module 6: Dharana: Mindfulness Research & Relationships & Regulation
Summary (0:54)
Dharana Practice: Mindfulness (12:12)
Dharana & the Trauma-Informed Pillars (4:18)
Dharana & Theory: Mindfulness Research on Relationships & Regulations (4:08)
Dharana Integration Invitations
Module 6 Quiz
Module 7: Dhyana: Meditation Research as a Source of Support for Being over Doing
Summary (1:52)
Dhyana Practice (15:11)
Dhyana & the Trauma-Informed Pillars (5:18)
Dhyana & Theory: Meditation Research as a Source of Support for Being over Doing (3:29)
Dhyana Integration Invitations
Module 7 Quiz
Module 8: Samadhi: Bliss, Unity, Enlightenment Embodied through Community Care and Social Justice
Summary (1:05)
Samadhi Practice: Bliss, Unity & Enlightement (10:58)
Samadhi & the Trauma-Informed Pillars (3:19)
Samadhi & Theory: Module 8: Samadhi: Samadhi Embodied through Community Care and Social Justice (3:35)
Samadhi Integration Invitations
Module 8 Quiz
Module 9: Honouring the Eight Limb Path
Summary (0:39)
An Eight Limb Practice (36:33)
Your Final Project: The Eight Limb Path
Gratitude & Feedback
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Module 8 Quiz
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